This morning marked the first day of a new season at my Farmer's Market down in Englewood, Florida.
I stood for a moment, watching everyone excitedly set up their booths and greet each other. I smiled as I watched people embrace, truly excited to hear about their Summers with exclamations of "So good to see you!" I stood looking around and thought "You don't see that in the standard workforce". I have found that the bulk of market member community really enjoys working together. We pop in and out of each other's lives constantly, going to and from markets & events. I have known many people for years in establishments & places of employment, the vendor community is handsdown the most sincere group of "coworkers" I have ever been part of.
As soon as I thought about the word co-worker, an excited thought came to mind.
Today Is 10/27/2022. Today marks almost a year to the last few days of October 2021 that Apotheca Brown Soaps & Sundries would remain as a "Part Time" company.
On 10/31/22, it will mark the 1 year Anniversary of Apotheca Brown going full time as a Business. If you go back in this blog, you can read when this "big change" came to be 1 year ago. I remember when it all came to be, I thought to myself if I could get a year under my belt, I could make this work.
Well, here I am!
I am so blessed and excited to say, that this last year has been an absolute lesson of growth, bravery, possibly, positivity & challenge. I was absolutely foolish to doubt the future & my capabilities. The market managers & people that have given me a chance to grow & thrive, I will never forget their kindness and belief in my work ethic.
As I begin this new season, I feel full of hope & excitement. Our communities are so full of love and support for small businesses, it's inspiring to see people change their focus on how they spend money & commit to growing their community through the people that live in it.
Should you follow us closely on social medias or attend markets, we appreciate you as well. We couldn't do what we do without your support. We are so thankful & glad that you love our soap, our mission and our future!
#Blog #1yearanniversary #entrepreneur #womaninbusiness #smallbusiness #thankful #greatful #humble #smile #freshfood #vendingcommunity #farmersmarkets #Florida #bornandraised #LOVEWHATYOUDO #passionateaboutsmallbusiness #fun #saop #soapblog
Find us on Instagram: Apothecabrownsoaps
*orders USA only*
